Monday, September 28, 2009

Update on Jaren

Heidi Smith was here and she had Jaren playing the piano with her

Heidi and Jaren

One of Jarens Sunday outfits

Another one of his outfits

Jarens cozy Dino. outfit

Monday, September 14, 2009

Swine Flu is getting out of hand

Thanks to a friend for sharing this cute Picture.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept. 11, 2001- Remembering

I can still remember sitting in class when someone came in and told us what had happened. We all sat there speechless upon hearing the news. We spent the next several days listening to the radio. Something in my heart still hurts and makes me want to cry every Anniversary of this horrible tragedy. I guess that is because I am still an American. Regardless of the shape our country is currently in, this is still my home.
Please take time out of your day to pray for the families of the fallen.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Misc. pics

Shyanne Young & Jaren at church last night

Jaren on Sunday in a sweater that A Linda gave him. it is so cute

cousin Abby and Jaren

Jaren sleeping on Grandmas Swing

Proud Daddy and Jaren

Time with Great Grandparents

We also went to see Sam & Christine West This is Sarah West and Jaren. Sarah will be 1 this month

great Pappy Ritchey

Aunt Bonnie playin with Jaren

Great Grandma Ritchey

Get together in Hartstown,PA

Had a great time with family that hadn't seen in years. Also spent some time with my Grandparents.

Playin basketball at U Clydes


cousin Mark with Jaren

cousin Melinda with Zachery (one of Marks boys)

Marks Family